What do I do for fleas (and ticks)?
1. Does your pet have fleas now, or do you just want to prevent a problem?
2. Is your pet exposed to environments where it at risk to pick up new fleas?
3. Do you think your pet is at risk for ticks also?
4. Be sure you treat every pet in the house
Preventing fleas only
- Dogs- Sentinel (also prevents heartworms and intestinal parasite)
- Cats- Revolution Plus (prevents fleas, ticks, heartworms, intestinal parasites and ear mites)
Preventing fleas and ticks
- Dogs- Simparica Trio (prevents fleas, ticks, heartworms and intestinal parasites)
- Cats- Revolution Plus (prevents fleas, ticks, heartworms, intestinal parasites and ear mites)

Treating Dogs
- Trifexis or Simparica Trio alone may control the problem
- Sentinel plus Simparica or Bravecto hits the life cycle in two places
Treat the environment
- Indoors- Siphotrol spray
- Outdoors- Vet-Kem yard Spray. You only need to treat the shady, dry areas.
Treating ticks in dogs
- Best for most situations- Simparica Trio
- Other options- Bravecto, Vectra 3D or Preventic collar.
- Treat the environment, same as for fleas

Treating Cats
- Revolution Plus alone may control the problem
- If not, Bravecto Plus is an alternative
- If still having problems, add one or more of the following: Cheristin, Capstar
Treat the environment
- Indoors- Siphotrol spray
Treating ticks in cats
- Revolution Plus for flea/tick/heartworm prevention and treat the environment if needed.